Pickleball Coaches in New Hampshire

Rich Kalich

Rich Kalich

City: Spofford

State: New Hampshire

Email: richkalich@icloud.com

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Lenny Gulino

Lenny Gulino

City: Intervale

State: New Hampshire

Email: lengulino@me.com

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Pickleball in New Hampshire is gaining momentum, with coaches dedicated to helping players enhance their skills in both indoor and outdoor environments. Whether in the bustling cities or quiet towns, New Hampshire’s pickleball community is growing, and coaches are central to its development. Coaches focus on technique, court awareness, and fitness, helping players prepare for both recreational and competitive play. Local tournaments and leagues are on the rise, giving players opportunities to test their skills. As the sport continues to grow, New Hampshire’s coaches play a vital role in fostering the next generation of pickleball enthusiasts.